
EDITING BLOG is a hard stuff for me

Finally had been submitted my fianl design project on last Monday (8 May). Yayee~~~ I can start my MISSED TwoYRs' SuMMer HoLIdaY ^^

After that, I feel a bit lost in my life.. seems lost the direction. What should I do in the summer?? Should I get into the MArch Course in the coming year?? and so on... Many worries just come up into my mind these days. >.<

Then, I start to search on the web and visiting my friend's blog and I found that their Blog have a really good design and how about mine?? So, I just search on the web to find out how to creat the Blog with some different background, the funny toys for my blog and also, try to learn about CSS stuffs, etc.

Somehow, I found a website that I can use the backgroud for my blog and some toys that can place inside my blog and wanna creat more for my own. hahahaha..

But it's really takes times and really hard for me. Thou, I know a little bit of Html, java script (copy from the others'), etc. SIGH... still have many things need to add on it.

I will add oil during my spare time at this moment.

I know that God is always he, he will give me the POWER!