

Why the people can be IRRESPONSIBLE to that level.. that I can't stand for it?

I'm so angry, exhausted and really wanna cry. I think I'm a bit of homesick, not only for family members, also my friends in HK, especially my church friends.

I want to find some support from the new friends I met here, but can't really do that. I'm trying to trust them. Somehow, just like crap.. everything I do are crap.. some people I met in uni are crap. Some guys are nice to me (not really that bad). If true be told how I'm depressed right now, very frustrating. Why that would happened to me.

Only feeling happy when I'm at work. Most of my co-worker are very nice to me (still left one or two is not really good).

I started like to weeping on the bus, hahaha. How funny is it. Less than two month I've been here, already tried two or three times weeping on the bus. I may start my depressing life again.
